Ce film fait partie de la carte blanche de Badewa Ajibade
Une jeune Ghanéenne, fraîchement installée avec ses parents dans une nouvelle maison, interroge Dieu sur la raison des choses telles qu’elles sont. À travers une étude du raisonnement spirituel, ce film nous plonge dans le monde intérieur de la fillette, qui explore sa capacité à se défendre, à faire entendre sa voix, et à faire face à sa propre solitude, sans l’influence ou la surveillance des adultes. Ce récit poignant interroge les relations entre l’enfant et le divin, et nous invite à réfléchir sur notre propre capacité à affirmer notre être intérieur, dans un monde où les réponses ne sont pas toujours évidentes.
Une jeune Ghanéenne, fraîchement installée avec ses parents dans une nouvelle maison, interroge Dieu sur la raison des choses telles qu’elles sont. À travers une étude du raisonnement spirituel, ce film nous plonge dans le monde intérieur de la fillette, qui explore sa capacité à se défendre, à faire entendre sa voix, et à faire face à sa propre solitude, sans l’influence ou la surveillance des adultes. Ce récit poignant interroge les relations entre l’enfant et le divin, et nous invite à réfléchir sur notre propre capacité à affirmer notre être intérieur, dans un monde où les réponses ne sont pas toujours évidentes.
Autre festivals :
Indie Memphis Film Festival, États-Unis (2022)
Aesthetica Short Film Festival, Angletterre (2022)
Also presented :
Space For Us Journal ‘Jamyat screening’ at Highland theatres, États-Unis (2022)
Indie Memphis Film Festival, États-Unis (2022)
Aesthetica Short Film Festival, Angletterre (2022)
Also presented :
Space For Us Journal ‘Jamyat screening’ at Highland theatres, États-Unis (2022)
Réalisation | Christine Boateng, Claudia Owusu |
Scénario | Claudia Owusu, Christine Boateng |
Direction de la photographie | David Ansah, Khalid Iddisah |
Production | Claudia Owusu |
Production associée | Christine Boateng |
• Université Concordia - J.A. de Sève, LB-125, Pavillon J. W. McConnell
Dimanche 19 mars 2023, 20:00 — 22:00

Christine Boateng
Disponible en anglais seulement
Christine Boateng is a Ghanaian filmmaker, documentary photographer & film programmer based in Accra, Ghana. Her work and ideas often draw from her dreams, memory, personal experiences and intimate stories shared by people. She is fascinated by stories that explore identity and complex relationships people have with themselves and others. She believes in the power of collaboration and in the beauty of belonging in a community and spaces that can harness her craft.
Her short films have found their way to audiences worldwide through Nowness, Indie Memphis Film Festival, Aesthetica Short Film Festival, and Millennium Film Workshop, New York City.
Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
Christine Boateng is a Ghanaian filmmaker, documentary photographer & film programmer based in Accra, Ghana. Her work and ideas often draw from her dreams, memory, personal experiences and intimate stories shared by people. She is fascinated by stories that explore identity and complex relationships people have with themselves and others. She believes in the power of collaboration and in the beauty of belonging in a community and spaces that can harness her craft.
Her short films have found their way to audiences worldwide through Nowness, Indie Memphis Film Festival, Aesthetica Short Film Festival, and Millennium Film Workshop, New York City.
Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
Spider’s Blanket
Ampe : Leap into the Sky, Black Girl
Spirit — Experimental Short Film
Oko ke Akueteh
Spider’s Blanket ‑2022
Ampe : Leap into the Sky, Black Girl — 2022
Spirit — Experimental Short Film — 2021
Oko ke Akueteh — 2020
Ampe : Leap into the Sky, Black Girl
Spirit — Experimental Short Film
Oko ke Akueteh
Spider’s Blanket ‑2022
Ampe : Leap into the Sky, Black Girl — 2022
Spirit — Experimental Short Film — 2021
Oko ke Akueteh — 2020

Claudia Owusu
Disponible en anglais seulement
Claudia Owusu (Nana Yaa Akyaa) is a Ghanaian-American poet, filmmaker, and essayist based in Columbus, Ohio. She writes from these two liminal spaces to make sense of them. She believes in the beauty of community and the intimate stories we share when we think no one is listening.
Claudia’s work engages the spaces that Black women and girls occupy, namely their relationship with safety, carefreeness, and self-ownership. She is deeply invested in personal narratives of Black girlhood and womanhood, through which she is learning to reclaim and carve space for herself. Her writing has appeared in Vogue Magazine, Clockhouse Magazine, and Brittle Paper. Her short films have screened at Nowness, Urbanworld, FilmAfrica, and Indiememphis.
Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
Claudia Owusu (Nana Yaa Akyaa) is a Ghanaian-American poet, filmmaker, and essayist based in Columbus, Ohio. She writes from these two liminal spaces to make sense of them. She believes in the beauty of community and the intimate stories we share when we think no one is listening.
Claudia’s work engages the spaces that Black women and girls occupy, namely their relationship with safety, carefreeness, and self-ownership. She is deeply invested in personal narratives of Black girlhood and womanhood, through which she is learning to reclaim and carve space for herself. Her writing has appeared in Vogue Magazine, Clockhouse Magazine, and Brittle Paper. Her short films have screened at Nowness, Urbanworld, FilmAfrica, and Indiememphis.
Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
Quelques films :
Ampe : Leap into the Sky, Black Girl
Frame Media
Don’t Mess With My Kitchen
Afternoon Jump
From Elsewhere to Elsewhere
Ampe : Leap into the Sky, Black Girl
Frame Media
Don’t Mess With My Kitchen
Afternoon Jump
From Elsewhere to Elsewhere