L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Big Ears Listen With Feet

Big Ears Listen With Feet

Ila Bêka, Louise Lemoine

France, Thaïlande | 2022 | 1 h 33 min
Anglais |
Sous-titres : Anglais
Jouer Bande-annonce
Le duo de cinéastes franco-italien Bêka & Lemoine vous emmène dans un road movie époustouflant à travers la Thaïlande pour suivre Boonserm Premthada, l’un des architectes contemporains les plus célèbres du pays. Sourd de naissance, ce dernier a développé une architecture sensible aux vibrations sonores. De la jungle de béton chaotique de Bangkok aux communautés rurales, ce film révèle comment l’histoire émouvante de l’architecte a façonné son approche unique et sensible de l’architecture.
Aussi présenté :
41e Festival International du Film sur l’Art, Canada (2023)
CAF Copenhagen, Suède (2022)
Réalisation Ila Bêka, Louise Lemoine
Direction de la photographie Ila Bêka
Colorisation Melo Prino
Mixage Walter Amati, Fuji Studio


Ila Bêka

Ila Bêka

Disponible en anglais seulement

Italian artist and filmmaker. Ila Bêka trained as an architect with a degree from the IUAV of Venice and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paris-Belleville. For the past twenty years he has been working in duo with the French visual artist Louise Lemoine. Together they experiment with new narrative and cinematic forms questioning how people experience, perceive and relate to space through an emotional, social and cultural perspective. Their films are regularly presented at international film festivals and biennials as well as in renowned museums and cultural institutions. Bêka & Lemoine have produced more than thirty films together, shot in twenty different countries, among which Koolhaas Houselife’ (2008), Barbicania’ (2014), The Infinite Happiness’ (2015), Moriyama San’ (2017) and Tokyo Ride’ (2020).

Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film

Oslavia, The Cave Of The Past Future (2021)
Tokyo Ride (2020)
Homo Urbanus Venetianus (2019)
Butohouse (2019)
Louise Lemoine

Louise Lemoine

Disponible en anglais seulement

French visual artist, graduated in art history from the Sorbonne in Paris. For the past twenty years Louise Lemoine has been working in duo with the Italian artist and filmmaker Ila Bêka. Together they experiment with new narrative and cinematic forms questioning how people experience, perceive and relate to space through an emotional, social and cultural perspective. Their films are regularly presented at international film festivals and biennials as well as in renowned museums and cultural institutions. Bêka & Lemoine have produced more than thirty films together, shot in twenty different countries, among which Koolhaas Houselife’ (2008), Barbicania’ (2014), The Infinite Happiness’ (2015), Moriyama San’ (2017) and Tokyo Ride’ (2020).

Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
Quelques films :
Oslavia, The Cave Of The Past Future (2021)
Tokyo Ride (2020)
Homo Urbanus Venetianus (2019)
Butohouse (2019)

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