Portrait de Maija Isola, l’une des premières créatrices de Marimekko, l’entreprise finlandaise de design pour laquelle elle a travaillé pendant 38 ans. Mais qui était-elle ? Quelles étaient les valeurs au centre de sa vie de vagabonde, et quel héritage nous a‑t-elle laissé ? Quel est le secret derrière ses créations textiles qui ont d’abord conquis la Finlande, puis le monde entier ? Ce documentaire raconte l’histoire de cette artiste hors du commun.
Aussi présenté :
40e Festival International du Film sur l’Art, Canada (2022)
40e Festival International du Film sur l’Art, Canada (2022)
Réalisation | Leena Kilpeläinen |
Scénario | Leena Kilpeläinen |
Production | Merja Ritola, Elina Kewitz, Merja Ritola |
Montage | Riitta Poikselkä |
Son | Pietari Koskinen |
Musique | Sanna Salmenkallio |

Leena Kilpeläinen
Disponible en anglais seulement
Leena Kilpeläinen studied and graduated from VGIK (The All-Union State institute of Cinematography) in Moscow. She has been a director, cinematographer and screenplay writer. As a cinematographer she has worked on films such as The Children of the Big Bear (1993) and On the Edge (2002). As a director, she has made experimental films such as Zero (2002) and Metro (2003). Her first full-length documentary was The Voice of Sokurov (2013). Maija Isola, Master of Colour and Form is her second full-length documentary. Member of the administration of the Finnish Documentary Guild from 2007 and President of the Guild 2009 – 2010.
Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
Leena Kilpeläinen studied and graduated from VGIK (The All-Union State institute of Cinematography) in Moscow. She has been a director, cinematographer and screenplay writer. As a cinematographer she has worked on films such as The Children of the Big Bear (1993) and On the Edge (2002). As a director, she has made experimental films such as Zero (2002) and Metro (2003). Her first full-length documentary was The Voice of Sokurov (2013). Maija Isola, Master of Colour and Form is her second full-length documentary. Member of the administration of the Finnish Documentary Guild from 2007 and President of the Guild 2009 – 2010.
Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
Puroista Syntyy Virta, Virrasta Laulu (2019)
Voice Of Sokurov (2014)
Voice Of Sokurov (2014)