Première canadienne
Soldiers’ Stories from Iraq and Afghanistan : the Artist’s Process
Jennifer Karady
Dans le cadre de sa série Soldiers’ Stories from Iraq and Afghanistan, Jennifer Karady travaille avec des vétéran·e·s de l’armée américaine pour réaliser des photographies reconstituant un moment en zone de guerre qui les a marqué·e·s, tout en révélant leurs difficultés à s’adapter au retour à la vie civile. Chacune des photographies de la série s’ancre dans une expérience personnelle dont l’artiste est un témoin privilégié. Ayant vécu un événement traumatisant durant son service en Irak, la vétérane Lucero Morales souffre désormais d’anxiété lorsqu’elle entend le bruit d’explosion que produit l’ouverture d’une boîte de pâte à biscuits. Tel est le point de départ de la composition et de la mise en scène d’une image qui l’aidera à amorcer sa guérison. Le film présente les étapes du processus collaboratif au cours duquel Karady s’investit totalement et tisse des liens étroits avec la vétérane mère de famille.
International Fine Arts Film Festival, États-Uni (Mai, 2021)
Humanitarian Award and Official Selection, Fine Arts Film Festival, États-Unis (Mai, 2020)
Humanitarian Award and Official Selection, Fine Arts Film Festival, États-Unis (Mai, 2020)
Réalisation | Jennifer Karady |
Production | Joey Forsyte, Mary Ann Toman, Jennifer Karady |
Montage | George Hatzidimitriou, Mary Ann Toman |
Image | Jennifer Cox, Joey Forsyte, Donald Harrison, Matt Kohn, Glenn Mordeci, Joey Ostrander, Anton Seim, Ross Willett |

Jennifer Karady
Disponible en anglais seulement
Jennifer Karady is an award-winning visual artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Her nationally and internationally recognized project, “Soldiers’ Stories from Iraq and Afghanistan,” has been exhibited widely, including at the Palm Springs Art Museum, Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, the University of Michigan, Berman Museum of Art, the Ringling Museum of Art, SF Camerawork, University of Denver and CEPA Gallery. Her work has been featured on PBS NewsHour, in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The New Yorker, Polka, on National Public Radio, reviewed in Frieze, and published in books such as Suffering from Realness, Art and Agenda, Out of Rubble, and Bending the Frame. Public collections include San Francisco MOMA, The Albright Knox Gallery, Palm Springs Art Museum, Smith College Museum of Art, and the Harn Museum of Art. Karady’s numerous residencies and awards include the Witt Residency at the University of Michigan, Yaddo, MacDowell, The Headlands, Blue Mountain Center, Getty Creative Images Grant, and grants from the Compton Foundation and New York State Council for the Arts. She was awarded the 2017 Francis Greenburger Fellowship for Mitigating Ethnic and Religious Conflict at Art Omi.
Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
Jennifer Karady is an award-winning visual artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Her nationally and internationally recognized project, “Soldiers’ Stories from Iraq and Afghanistan,” has been exhibited widely, including at the Palm Springs Art Museum, Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, the University of Michigan, Berman Museum of Art, the Ringling Museum of Art, SF Camerawork, University of Denver and CEPA Gallery. Her work has been featured on PBS NewsHour, in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The New Yorker, Polka, on National Public Radio, reviewed in Frieze, and published in books such as Suffering from Realness, Art and Agenda, Out of Rubble, and Bending the Frame. Public collections include San Francisco MOMA, The Albright Knox Gallery, Palm Springs Art Museum, Smith College Museum of Art, and the Harn Museum of Art. Karady’s numerous residencies and awards include the Witt Residency at the University of Michigan, Yaddo, MacDowell, The Headlands, Blue Mountain Center, Getty Creative Images Grant, and grants from the Compton Foundation and New York State Council for the Arts. She was awarded the 2017 Francis Greenburger Fellowship for Mitigating Ethnic and Religious Conflict at Art Omi.
Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
Soldiers’ Stories from Iraq and Afghanistan : The Artist’s Process (2020)
Dissonance (travail en cours)
Dissonance (travail en cours)