Un vieil homme ne reconnaît pas son propre visage dans le miroir. Il est atteint de la maladie d’Alzheimer. Petit à petit, ses souvenirs s’effacent. Un jour, il décide de raconter l’histoire de sa vie à son reflet. Cet homme est l’architecte brésilien né en Slovaquie Hans Broos. Qualifié « d’architecte brutaliste », il est connu pour ses immeubles en ciment caractéristiques de ce mouvement, auxquels il ajoute une touche de poésie. Incarné par un acteur, on suit la déambulation mélancolique de l’architecte alors qu’il remémore sa vie.
Réalisation | Ladislav Kaboš |
Production | Michael Kabos, Pedro Rosa, Darina Smržová |

Ladislav Kaboš
Disponible en anglais seulement
Ladislav Kaboš finished his studies at Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU) in 1980, the same year he debuted with the film Children Looking At Us. This film was awarded second prize in Varna in 1981. After his social documentary Starina and Carnival in Sebechleby in 1983, the communist government prohibited him to work on his further project because of the critical point of view of his films. In 1993, after the Velvet Revolution, he founded his own company, Media Film. Currently, he is working on his documentary film projects and is also shooting films for TVs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. He has received many awards for his films.
Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
Ladislav Kaboš finished his studies at Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU) in 1980, the same year he debuted with the film Children Looking At Us. This film was awarded second prize in Varna in 1981. After his social documentary Starina and Carnival in Sebechleby in 1983, the communist government prohibited him to work on his further project because of the critical point of view of his films. In 1993, after the Velvet Revolution, he founded his own company, Media Film. Currently, he is working on his documentary film projects and is also shooting films for TVs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. He has received many awards for his films.
Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
Kapela (2018)
Farby piesku (2015)
Krvavé piesky Líbye (2013)
Vsetky moje deti (2013)
The Man Who Changed Shanghai (2010)
Farby piesku (2015)
Krvavé piesky Líbye (2013)
Vsetky moje deti (2013)
The Man Who Changed Shanghai (2010)