Le cinéaste espagnol Marcos Cabotá a toujours été un grand admirateur de Michael Jackson. Il est d’ailleurs l’une des rares personnes à avoir rencontré le roi de la Pop en personne. Dix ans après la mort de cet artiste légendaire, il décide de lui écrire une lettre dans laquelle il lui dit toutes les choses qu’il aurait aimé lui dire de son vivant. Compilant archives cinématographiques et animations, Dear Michael est un hommage émouvant et nostalgique à l’un des plus grands artistes musicaux de tous les temps, au-delà des polémiques qui continuent de hanter sa mémoire.
Réalisation | Joan Bover Raurell |
Auteur | Joan Bover, Marcos Cabotá |
Direction de la photographie | Toni Payeras |
Direction artistique | Caterina Mas, Joan Carles Rigo |
Montage | Saul Benejama |
Narration | Thomas Shutter |
Composition | Juanjo Monserrat |
Animation | Joan Bover, Toni Payeras, Miquel Àngel Torres |
• Université Concordia - J.A. de Sève, LB-125, Pavillon J. W. McConnell
Samedi 18 mars 2023, 20:00 — 22:00

Joan Bover Raurell
Disponible en anglais seulement
Documentary filmmaker and Producer. Bachelor of Audiovisual Communication. Member of the Catalan Film Academy. Founder of the production company Far Visuals. Director of music videos, television programs and documentaries. With his last two works (Kyoko and Ulisses) he got two Goya Award Nominations and national and international awards such as a Silver Biznaga at the Malaga Festival (Spain) 2018 or a Special Mention at the Guadalajara Film Festival (Mexico) 2019. His works have been selected in festivals as prestigious as Bogoshorts Film Festival (Colombia) and Hot Docs (Canada).
Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
Documentary filmmaker and Producer. Bachelor of Audiovisual Communication. Member of the Catalan Film Academy. Founder of the production company Far Visuals. Director of music videos, television programs and documentaries. With his last two works (Kyoko and Ulisses) he got two Goya Award Nominations and national and international awards such as a Silver Biznaga at the Malaga Festival (Spain) 2018 or a Special Mention at the Guadalajara Film Festival (Mexico) 2019. His works have been selected in festivals as prestigious as Bogoshorts Film Festival (Colombia) and Hot Docs (Canada).
Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
Otamaniki (2021)
Ulisses (2020)
Kyoko (2018)
Ulisses (2020)
Kyoko (2018)