L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
You Can't Automate Me

Première canadienne

You Can’t Automate Me

Katarina Jazbec

Pays-Bas, Slovaquie | 2021 | 20 min
Anglais, Néerlandais |
Sous-titres : Anglais
Jouer Bande-annonce
You Can’t Automate Me propose une rencontre avec les travailleurs portuaires tatoués et les animaux clandestins de la vaste étendue automatisée du port de Rotterdam, tout en s’attardant à ses mouvements poétiques.
Autres festivals :
Festival international du film de Rotterdam, Pays-Bas (2021)
Festival du court métrage de Ljubljana FeKK, Slovénie (2021)
Niederrhein Filmfestival, Allemagne (2021)
Festival du film d’architecture de Rotterdam, Pays-Bas (2021)
Festival du film du Bosphore, Turquie (2021)
Réalisation Katarina Jazbec
Direction de la photographie Pekic Matija
Chorégraphie Diakrousi Angeliki, Katarina Jazbec


• Théâtre Outremont
Mercredi 16 mars 2022, 17:30 — 19:30


Katarina Jazbec

Katarina Jazbec

Disponible en anglais seulement

Katarina Jazbec is a visual artist working in film and photography. She was born in 1991, Slovenia, and has been living in Rotterdam since 2015. She received her BA from the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana and her MA in Photography from the AKV | St. Joost art academy in Breda (Nethelands). In her work, which is based on long-standing participatory research, she builds heterotopias and looks for new forms of storytelling while exploring the urgent questions of ethics, identity, agency, and pitfalls of our current dominant economy.
Her recent works have been shown among others at the FIDÉ Festival International du Documentaire Émergent in Paris, the International Festival of Contemporary Arts City of Women in Ljubljana and the TENT Platform for Contemporary Art in the Netherlands. She is a current grantee of the Mondriaan stipendium for emerging artists in the Netherlands. For her film Permeating Hearts, which is about reading with prisoners in Belgium, she was given a Tënk Award at FIDÉ Paris 2019. She is the first recipient of the RTM Pitch Award 2020 by the International Film Festival Rotterdam.

Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film

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Théâtre Outremont

Mercredi 16 mars 2022, 17:30

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