L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Imagine Ocean
Ce film sera présenté lors de l’événement La Nuit du court le 16 mars 2024 à l’Université Concordia.

Imagine Ocean allie mythologie hindoue et histoires humaines à une riche ambiance sonore, dans une réflexion sur notre environnement changeant. Mettant en vedette une plongeuse Ama japonaise, les vagues de la côte d’Ise-Shima et le mythique Makara, cette vidéodanse révèle un lien profond entre la mer et l’homme. Sans dialogue, le film mise sur le visuel et le son, fusionnant réalité, mythe, changements écologiques et existence humaine dans un récit entrelacé. Initialement simple, il évolue en un film évocateur et profond, mettant en évidence notre relation complexe avec l’océan et la Terre.
Réalisation Jiekai Liao, Angela Liong
Production Jeremy Chua, Joyce Beetuan Koh
Interprètes Andine Elaina, Marveen Lozano, Aisha Polestico, Cymone Woo, Boby Ari Setiawan

En partenariat avec


• Université Concordia - H110, Pavillon Henry F. Hall
Samedi 16 mars 2024, 19:00 — 23:00


Jiekai Liao

Jiekai Liao

Disponible en anglais seulement

Liao Jiekai is a filmmaker and artist based in Singapore. He is a founding member of the film collective 13 Little Pictures. Since 2005, he has directed several shorts, most notably Before the Wedlock House which won the Best Documentary Short at the 2nd Salaya International Documentary Film Festival and The Mist which won the best director prize at Singapore International Film Festival’s Silver Screen Awards. His 2010 debut feature film, Red Dragonflies, won the Special Jury Prize at the Jeonju International Film Festival and was selected for competition at various film festivals such as Buenos Aires, Santiago, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Tokyo.

Liao was conferred the Young Artist Award for Film by the National Arts Council of Singapore in 2012. He won the Credit Suisse Artist Commissioning Award for his 16mm film installation, Brother’s Quarters, which was presented at the President’s Young Talent Exhibition at the Singapore Art Museum in 2013. In the same year, he was invited to participate in the Singapore Biennale with the video installation Bukit Orang Salah. His second feature film As You Were world premiere at the Asian Future section of the Tokyo International Film Festival, and was in competition at Torino Film Festival and Nantes 3 Continents Film Festival. He is a IMDA Digital Scholar and completed a Masters Degree in Film Directing at the Tokyo University of the Arts in 2020, under the tutelage of Kiyoshi Kurosawa and Suwa Nobuhiro.

Liao co-founded Prism Pictures LLC with Furuichi Akiho in 2021, and had since worked on many Singapore and Japan co-productions.

Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
 Angela LIONG

Angela LIONG

Disponible en anglais seulement

As co-founder and artistic director, Angela is a prolific dance-maker with a large body of works that has shaped the distinctive dance profile of ARTS FISSION since the company’s inceptionin 1994. She believes in extracting arts from the everyday and often appropriates form and
methodology from cross-discipline sources to innovate new ways of dance making.
Spanning a dance career of more than 35 years, Angela has turned her professional practice into hybrid dance creations that go beyond traditional performance making. She leads dancers and staff of ARTS FISSION in designing movement-based projects to enrich the everyday as well as empower wellbeing for people and communities. Her foray into research and development of dance intervention by using movement to reinforce kinetic memory has resulted in Everyday Waltzes for Active Ageing® – a wellness program that benefits seniors and people with dementia as well as extended facilitation training for eldercare professionals.

Angela is the recipient of the 2009 Cultural Medallion, Singapore’s highest arts and cultural accolade. She continues to create new works with ARTS FISSION on diverse issues that impacts life in modern Asia.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team 

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