L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Sonate Tableaux: Mouvement 4

Sonate Tableaux : Mouvement 4

Carlos Ferrand

Canada | 2021 | 11 min
Jouer Bande-annonce
Inspiré du quatrième mouvement de Sonate Tableaux, œuvre néoromantique du compositeur montréalais Alain Payette, ce court-métrage explore les liens internes entre la musique, la danse, l’art du mime et la peinture. À travers entre autres la performance solo de la pianiste canadienne Minna Re Shin, Sonate Tableaux : Mouvement 4 se penche sur les thèmes de la beauté, de la dynamique du corps féminin et du rôle de la femme dans le monde des arts.
Aussi présenté :
40e Festival International du Film sur l’Art, Canada (2022)
Réalisation Carlos Ferrand
Direction de la photographie Carlos Ferrand
Production Minna Re Shin
Direction de production Minna Re Shin
Montage Loïc Bruderlein
Prise de son Ombú productions
Caméra Loïc Bruderlein, Gabriel Argüello
Colorisation Loïc Bruderlein
Chorégraphie Muriel Valtat
Artiste Catherine Toupin, Minna Re Shin, Natalija Jeremic, Laurence Castonguay Emery
Mixage Ombú productions
Composition Alain Payette
Animation Loïc Bruderlein
Costumes L’Atelier de Couture Sonya B
Autre Francine Alepin

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Carlos Ferrand

Carlos Ferrand

Disponible en anglais seulement

Carlos Ferrand was born in Lima, Peru. From Lima to Brussels, Paris and Vermont, he spent several years studying and wandering about but with film always at the core of his interests. For the past 40 years, he has worked in Canada as a screenwriter and director and has collaborated as director of photography on over fifty films, both fiction and documentary, including his latest feature documentary Jongué, A Nomad’s Journey,13, A Ludodrama about Walter Benjamin,” which made its international premiere at the 2019 Venice Film Festival, and Americano,” a road movie from Patagonia to the Arctic visiting friends and taking the pulse of the Americas, which has been presented in 25 festivals and won several prizes and nominations.

His interests vary from social issues to spirituality and the poetics of entertainment. He directed the first film made in Peru about African slaves, Cimarrones”; then for InformAction Films Visionaries” (Best Cinematography and Best Overall Sound at Hot Docs), and The Magic Touch” about Dominique Lemieux, costume designer for Le Cirque du Soleil, which won three Gémeaux Awards, including Best Cultural Documentary.

Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe du film
Quelques films :
Jongué, cahier Nomade. (2019)
13, un ludodrame sur Walter Benjamin.(2017)
For You (2015)
Planète Yoga (2011)
Americano (2007)

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