L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Bibi Zhou - Lunar

Bibi Zhou — Lunar

Jodeb N/A

Canada, Iceland | 2019 | 4 min
Chinese |
Subtitles: English
Dark glaciers, basalt column caves, black sand beaches and moonlit lagoons fill the effervescent landscapes in the Chinese artist’s latest music video. Conceived and directed by Canadian filmmaker Jodeb, Lunar is a visual metaphor for self-awareness, primal feminine power and emotional turbulence.
Production Bui Baldvinsson, Hannah Bellil, Juliette Larthe, Mathieu Leduc, Þóra Margrétardóttir, London Summers
Editing Jodeb N/A
Choreography Amy Gardner
Cast Mehdi Baki, Maeva Berthelot, Morgan Williams
Sound Cult Nation
Sound mixing Theo Porcet
Cinematographer Kristof Brandl
Designer JF Clement
Other Stefanie Noll, Kevin Bago


Jodeb N/A

Jodeb N/A