Le FIFA international

Le FIFA international
A commitment
without borders
Le FIFA’s international dimension is a cornerstone of its mission. While the programming of each edition gives the pulse of international artistic creation, Le FIFA is active throughout the year to build bridges and be an active agent of encounters between works and audiences. Thanks to its international roots, Le FIFA gives festival-goers access to the world’s best films, as well as enabling home-grown films to travel and be presented at prestigious institutions and events.
Le FIFA is thus an important partner in the international promotion and distribution of art films and artists’ films. As a vehicle for cultural diplomacy, it puts its unique know-how at the service of its community, building bridges and sparking fruitful projects, partnerships and collaborations. Le FIFA is a partner in cultural blossoming, opening doors to creators from elsewhere while spreading the wealth of our culture across the globe.
Films from around the world
Each year, Le FIFA unveils a global cinematic panorama, highlighting works from over 40 countries. Our ARTS.FILM platform extends this showcase throughout the year, offering continuous access to the world’s artistic wealth.
A program open to the world
We constantly collaborate with established and emerging curators from all over the world to create benchmark cartes blanches, offering a global and innovative perspective on cinema and the arts in general. In recent editions, for example, Le FIFA has offered windows onto Morocco, sub-Saharan Africa, Iran, Lebanon, China, Japan, Israel, South Korea, Italy, Spain, the Arab world and France.
A program that travels
Depuis plus de trois décennies, nous forgeons des alliances stratégiques avec des institutions culturelles prestigieuses telles que la Fondation Maeght, le Palazzo Grassi à Venise, Le Fresnoy, et le Centre Culturel Canadien à Paris. Chaque année nous y sommes accueillis pour partager notre expertise en programmation de films sur l’art et consolider des relations uniques à même de faire rayonner toujours davantage des oeuvres d’ici.
For over three decades, we’ve been forging strategic alliances with prestigious cultural institutions such as the Maeght Foundation, le Palazzo Grassi in Venice, Le Fresnoy, and the Centre Culturel Canadien à Paris. Each year, we are welcomed to share our expertise in art film programming and consolidate unique relationships that will help us to raise the profile of Canadian works of art.
Le FIFA à l’Olympiade Culturelle Paris 2024
Une étape emblématique de notre rayonnement international et de notre engagement à créer des ponts entre les cultures et les disciplines se dessine avec la participation du FIFA et du Centre Culturel Canadien à l’Olympiade Culturelle Paris 2024. Une manifestation artistique et culturelle majeure qui se déploie en parallèle des Jeux olympiques et Paralympiques et qui vise à fusionner l’esprit sportif et la créativité artistique. C’est dans le cadre de cette vitrine exceptionnelle pour la culture canadienne que Le FIFA présente deux programmes de films d’ici explorant les thèmes de la résilience, de la diversité et de l’affirmation de soi.
Towards new cultural bridges
From the heart of Seoul to Barcelona, from Hong Kong to Casablanca, every day FIFA builds new cultural bridges. These exchanges are occasional journeys, invitations to artistic discovery beyond borders. Lugano Arte e Cultura (Switzerland), Le Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval (France), le Jumping Frames Festival (Hong Kong), le Festival Cinemística in Granada (Spain), Festival EPOS (Israel), Barcelona Dance Film Festival Choreoscope (Spain), l’Institut français du Maroc à Casablanca (Morroco), le festival Fotogenia (Mexico), les Escales Documentaires de La Rochelle (France), le DAN.CIN.FEST de Saint-Étienne (France), le Dart Festival de Barcelone (Spain).
Films on Art Network
The Films on Art Network is a unique initiative made up of 13 founding members from North America, South America, Asia and Europe. A network of art-film festival professionals from all over the world, it enables the exchange of knowledge and practices, and plays an active role in deepening the links between art and cinema, as well as the production and circulation of art films.
North America Le FIFA (Canada), Architecture & Design Film Festival (New-York)
Latin America DART Festival (Chile), Fotogenia (Mexico), ARCA (Uruguay)
Asia Painting with Lights : Festival of International Films on Art (Singapore)
Europe Brussels Art Film Festival (Belgium), DART Festival (Spain), Journées Internationales du Film sur l’Art (France), Les Rencontres du film d’art (France), Lo Schermo dell’Arte (Italy), Film and Architecture (Czech Republic), DOKU ARTS (Germany)
Middle East Beirut Art Film Festival (Lebanon), EPOS Festival (Israel)
This group of festival professionals also includes players from independent online broadcasting platforms such as Marquee TV (England), NOWNESS (England), Art21 (United-States), Caixa Forum + (Spain), Ikono TV (Germany).