L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A

Fostering Emergence

Image from the film Wild Words by Ana Shametaj

Supporting and mentoring emerging artists, managers and audiences

For its 43rd edition in March 2025, the International Festival of Films on Art (Le FIFA) is launching a new initiative: the Fostering Emergence program. Rolled out over three years, this project supports emerging artists and managers while expanding access to the arts for new audiences.

Supporting Emerging Artists

A cohort

As part of its 43rd edition in March 2025, the International Festival of Films on Art (Le FIFA) is proud to launch a new initiative: the Fostering Emergence program. This three-year initiative aims to support the growth of emerging artists while promoting access to the arts for emerging audiences.

Before the Festival

  • Workshops teaching artists on how to present a film, organize screenings, deliver public speeches and optimize participation in professional events.

  • Further guidance on securing strategic meetings and identifying relevant panels.

During the Festival
  • Each artist will meet at least two key international professionals to expand their network and discuss their ideas.

  • A dedicated ressource will be there with artists during networking activities and facilitate introductions to key decision-makers participating in FIFA Connexions.

After the Festival

A follow-up session will guide artists on maintaining connections established during the festival and provide feedback on their experience at Le FIFA.

Developing emerging audiences

International Reflection Day as part of FIFA Connexions

Gathering experts from all five continents and members of the Films on Art Network, this event will explore case studies and innovative strategies to attract new audiences to media arts.

Supporting emerging managers

Throughout the Festival

Le FIFA is committed to promoting the emergence of new critical perspectives by partnering with HEC Montreal. Students in the Master’s program in Arts and International Culture Management are supported throughout Le FIFA’s major events, including discussion panels and networking activities during FIFA Connexions days. 

An inclusive and sustainable vision

The Fostering Emergence program is part of a resolutely inclusive and sustainable approach, placing diversity and accessibility at the heart of its actions. By supporting emerging talents and engaging new audiences, Le FIFA reaffirms its role as a key player in the development of media arts and cinema, while building bridges between cultures and generations.