L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
The life of Caravaggio (15711610) was brief and violent. After ten years of triumphs in Rome, lucrative commissions from powerful sources, a dangerous attraction to the lowest depths of society, endless quarrels, several imprisonments, a death sentence for murder and a forced exile on the run, this quick-tempered and irascible man died at the age of 39. His oeuvre as we know it today stems from the tireless work of historians. Of the more than 500 canvases attributed to him three centuries after his death, less than fifty were actually his. This film investigates 22 major works in Rome, Malta, Paris, Rouen and Montpellier.
Director Jean-Michel Meurice
Production Fabienne Servan Schreiber, Laurence Miller, Emélie De Jong
Participation Sybille Ebert-Schifferer, Michel Laclotte, Michel Hilaire
Artist Le Caravage, Sybille Ebert-Schifferer, Michel Laclotte, Michel Hilaire
Narration Philippe Faure, Anna Flori-Lamour
Cinematography Valentin Caron
Music Gérard Cohen-Tannugi


Jean-Michel Meurice

Jean-Michel Meurice