L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Conspiracy of Lies

Conspiracy of Lies

Nelson Henricks

Canada | 1992 | 11 min
English |
Subtitles: French
Program presented as part of the program Nelson Henricks

Conspiracy Of Lies speaks of the alienation of minorities, of consumer culture, urban isolation and the fine balance between mental order and chaos. The video begins with a voice (my own) recounting the story of the discovery of a series of diary entries and lists written by an anonymous author. When I found the texts, I assumed the author to be a white, gay man, like myself. Through the use of twelve narrators of different race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation, I attempted to destabilize my own subjectivity and challenge my pre-existing assumptions regarding difference. The video begins and ends with two texts written by myself. This, I hope, helps to render the boundary between myself and the anonymous author more fluid, thereby questioning the authority’ of authorship.”
Director Nelson Henricks
Script Nelson Henricks
Production Tracey Bacenas, C.K. Cousins, Janet Cardiff, Tim V.S. Westberg, Jon Winet
Editing Nelson Henricks
Narration Nelson Henricks, Geoffrey Hunter, Steve Nunoda, Sandra Tivy, Sarah John, Colleen Kerr, Grant Poier, Harry Schwartz, Peter Stinson, Celine Godberson, C.K. Cousins, Kathy Dodd
Sound Nelson Henricks, Mark Dicey
Cinematography Nelson Henricks


Nelson Henricks