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L E   F I F A
Croiser quelqu'un

Croiser quelqu’un

Nicolas Jimy Awashish

Canada | 2018 | 5 min
Anishnabe |
Subtitles: French
A young man undertakes a voyage, a rite of passage, into the deep of the night in the natural environment in which he grew up, the bit of the world with which he is familiar. Addressing the woman he had adored, a lost love, he tries to heal his sadness and calm his soul. Composed exclusively of photographs, Kanockatonanok, Croiser quelqu’un is an impressionistic and dreamlike journey through the night, in the Atikamekw village of Opitciwanm, in the Mauricie region.
Director Nicolas Jimy Awashish
Script Nicolas Awashish
Editing Patrick Lapierre
Cinematographer Nicolas Awashish
Music Nicolas Jimy Awashish, Patrick Lapierre


Nicolas Jimy Awashish

Nicolas Jimy Awashish