L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Ernest Pignon-Ernest, à taille humaine

Ernest Pignon-Ernest, à taille humaine

Yann Coquart

France | 2019 | 52 min
Sometimes called the father of street art,” Ernest Pignon-Ernest has taken his art and his message all over the world. His now-iconic pieces are often printed on fragile materials and are exposed to the street and the elements. Socially engaged and charged with humanity, Pignon-Ernest’s works have spoken to key issues in recent history including abortion rights, apartheid, AIDS and human suffering. Under the artist’s hand, walls transform into striking visual reminders of the violence both suffered and inflicted by humans. A fascinating look at the working methods of this engaging creator.
Director Yann Coquart
Author Yann Coquart
Production Caoline Maret, Jean-Pierre Bailly, Corine Janin
Voice Sarah-Jane Sauvegrain
Sound mixing Bruno Lagoarde
Cinematography Samuel Picas
Music Stéphanie Blanc, Jérôme Levatois


Yann Coquart

Yann Coquart

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