L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Femmes Artistes : Katharina Grosse

Femmes Artistes : Katharina Grosse

Claudia Müller

France, Germany | 2016 | 26 min
The German artist Katharina Grosse reinvents places and surfaces by playing with perceptions. Armed with cans of paint, she applies layers of colour until the work is part of its environment, like a visual message. In this episode from the series Femmes artistes, filmmaker Claudia Müller presents Grosse in her studio as she paints a portrait of eight artists. In her virtual exhibition, she establishes a dialogue between the works, which are by women from very different cultural backgrounds who all work in some way or another with the spiritual and that which is not visible. At the heart of this exhibition is the German artist Isa Genzken, arguably one of today’s most important and radical artists, who seeks to attract our gaze while at the same time looking back at us.
Director Claudia Müller
Production Phlox Films, Claudia Müller
Editing Anette Fleming
Cinematography Christophe Lerch
Distribution Phlox Films
Music Eva Jantschitsch


• Centre Canadien d’Architecture
Saturday, march 25, 2017, 01:15 p.m. — 03:15 p.m.


Claudia Müller

Claudia Müller

In the same session


Centre Canadien d’Architecture

Saturday, march 25, 2017, 01:15 p.m.