L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Femmes Artistes : Kiki Smith

Femmes Artistes : Kiki Smith

Claudia Müller

France, Germany | 2016 | 26 min
American artist Kiki Smith is among the most significant artists of her generation. The recurrent subject matter in Smith’s work has been the body as a receptacle for knowledge, belief, and storytelling. Life, death, and resurrection are thematic signposts in many of Smith’s installations and sculptures. For her virtual exhibition in this episode of the Artistes femmes series directed by Claudia Müller, Kiki Smith has chosen the theme of nature. She presents other women artists working with natural materials or creating images of nature.
Director Claudia Müller
Production Phlox Films, Claudia Müller
Editing Anette Fleming
Cinematography Christophe Lerch
Distribution Phlox Films
Music Eva Jantschitsch


• Centre Canadien d’Architecture
Friday, march 31, 2017, 08:45 p.m. — 08:45 p.m.


Claudia Müller

Claudia Müller

In the same session


Centre Canadien d’Architecture

Friday, march 31, 2017, 08:45 p.m.