L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Women leaders and entrepreneurs in the world of culture: Creating a space for sharing

Women leaders and entrepreneurs in the world of culture: Creating a space for sharing

3 h
Presented by the Caisse Desjardins de la Culture.

By registration only, places are limited. Facilitated in French.
Activity intended for people who identify as women or non-binary.

The International Festival of Films on Art (Le FIFA) and the Pôle entrepreneuriat culturel et créatif invite women working in the cultural and creative sectors (current and aspiring women entrepreneurs and professionals) to a workshop that will allow you to share your experiences and discuss the opportunities and challenges facing women entrepreneurs and leaders in culture. Together, let’s foster collaboration so that women can fully take their place and express their talent.

To register for this activity, click here.

In Partnership with


• Agora Hydro-Québec (CO-R500), Pavillon Coeur des sciences
Women leaders and entrepreneurs in the world of culture: Creating a space for sharing
Thursday, march 16, 2023, 01:00 p.m.


Géraldine Dallaire

Géraldine Dallaire

Géraldine Dallaire holds a Ph.D. in administration from HEC Montréal on how cultural entrepreneurs conceive and develop their entrepreneurial projects. She has been working in the cultural sector and is interested in entrepreneurship for over 15 years.

She works as a consultant for cultural and creative organizations (strategic planning, rethinking the business model, mobilizing stakeholders, etc.), but also for institutions that wish to analyze and better understand the issues facing cultural actors (studies for YES Montreal, Compétence culture).
She specializes in setting up workshops and training sessions to equip cultural organizations and entrepreneurs in culture. She has many years of experience in facilitating round tables, conferences, workshops, professional training, etc. She is regularly solicited to intervene on the issues of entrepreneurship in culture. She is the founder of the Pôle entrepreneuriat culturel et créatif in France, and then implemented it in Quebec.
She also collaborates on several research projects and has been teaching or intervening in training sessions for the past 10 years to address issues related to entrepreneurship, cultural entrepreneurship, management and marketing, in Quebec, France and West Africa. She also obtained the official certification in business model design from Yves Pigneur.

Biographical notes provided by Géraldine Dallaire