L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Inside You, There Is The Earth

Inside You, There Is The Earth

Cosimo Terlizzi

Italy | 2019 | 1 h 23 min
Italian |
Subtitles: English
Program presented as part of the Carte blanche à Cosimo Terlizzi.

The diary of a vacation. An island. A young inhabitant walks barefoot on the rocks, the thorns, the earth. A girl obsessed with her image on social media. The author observes the landscape and reflects on the artifice. Once back home, the city looks like a labyrinth that drives him to seek a way out and to rediscover new perspectives in nature.
Torino Film Festival, Italie (2019)

Last update in March 2020
Director Cosimo Terlizzi
Production Damien Modolo, Cosimo Terlizzi


Cosimo Terlizzi

Cosimo Terlizzi