L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Isabelle Huppert, message personnel

Isabelle Huppert, message personnel

William Karel

France | 2019 | 52 min
French |
Subtitles: English
Every character played reveals another piece of ourselves. Every role is a link in the chain, and — whether we realize it or not — part of a greater work. So believes Isabelle Huppert, the grande dame of French cinema, who came to acting by accident and intuition. This intimate documentary, narrated by Huppert herself, tells the story of her childhood and the key moments of her career. Along the way, she attempts to piece together her life’s puzzles. This fresh take on biography is magnificent work of cinematography by William Karel and a lively exploration of the actress and her multiple incarnations.
Director William Karel
Production Dominique Tibi
Sound Adrien Beccaria

In Partnership with


William Karel

William Karel