L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Jack London, une aventure américaine

Jack London, une aventure américaine

Michel Viotte

France | 2016 | 1 h 36 min
The author of The Call of the Wild, White Fang and Martin Eden was the most famous American author of his time. Drawing his subject matter from his tumultuous life, Jack London became the very symbol of adventure at the turn of the last century. From the opening of the American West to the First World War, he both witnessed and participated in the upheavals in American society. His unique personal path is indissociable from his novels, which continue to resonate today. Marking the centenary of his death, Michel Viotte’s docudrama looks back at his extraordinary life, combining interviews with some of America’s foremost specialists and ultra-high definition reconstructions shot in northern Canada, Polynesia and his ranch in California.
Festival du Livre, Mouans-Sartoux, France (2016)
Festival International du film d’aventure, La Rochelle, France (2016)
Festival International du film d’Histoire, Pessac, France (2016)

Last update in March 2017
Director Michel Viotte
Production La Compagnie Des Indes, Gildas Le Roux
Editing Bénédicte Mallet
Narration Stéphane Freiss
Sound Robin Gobert
Cinematography Michel Viotte
Distribution La Compagnie Des Indes
Music Gréco Casadesus


• Grande Bibliothèque de BAnQ - Auditorium
Saturday, march 25, 2017, 08:45 p.m. — 10:45 p.m.


Michel Viotte

Michel Viotte

In the same session


Grande Bibliothèque de BAnQ - Auditorium

Saturday, march 25, 2017, 08:45 p.m.