L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
While in Philadelphia with the Cirque du Soleil, Élizabeth-Ann Doyle and Emmanuelle Hébert noted the widespread popularity of mural paintings. Inspired by the richness of this artistic form in terms of both visibility and socio-economic benefits, they decided to set up a similar project in their hometown. For ten years now, MU has been an open-air museum in Montreal. Using the city’s walls as its canvas, revealing its distinct nature and humanity, MU celebrates both the history of Montreal and its cultural diversity. This short film by Janice Zolf captures these giant murals, along with the artists’ insights into this meeting between art and citizens.
Director Janice Zolf
Production Janice Zolf, Janice Zolf Productions
Editing Miguel Raymond
Sound David Elias, Melanie Gauthier
Cinematography Jean-Francois Gratton
Distribution Janice Zolf Productions
Music Betty Bonifassi


• Cinéma du Musée - Auditorium Maxwell-Cummings
Wednesday, march 29, 2017, 08:45 p.m. — 10:45 p.m.


Janice Zolf

Janice Zolf

In the same session


Cinéma du Musée - Auditorium Maxwell-Cummings

Wednesday, march 29, 2017, 08:45 p.m.