L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Nous autres, les autres

Nous autres, les autres

Jean-Claude Coulbois

Canada | 2016 | 1 h 23 min
Award for Best Canadian Film, ex-aequo, FIFA 2016

This film follows five theatre artists through their activities in various Montreal neighbourhoods, from the fall of 2014 to the summer of 2015. Going behind the scenes of Olivier Choinière’s Polyglotte, Olivier Kemeid’s Moi, dans les ruines rouges du siècle and Un, deux, trois, Mani Soleymanlou’s trilogy about identity, the film presents a portrait of a new generation of playwrights, long with Emmanuel Schwartz and actor Sasha Samar, who are striving to interpret the complexities of the modern world.
Director Jean-Claude Coulbois
Production Nicole Hubert, Bernadette Payeur
Participation Olivier Choinière, Olivier Kemeid, Sasha Samar, Mani Soleymanlou, Emmanuel Schwartz
Editing Annie Jean
Artist Olivier Choinière, Olivier Kemeid, Sasha Samar, Mani Soleymanlou, Emmanuel Schwartz
Sound Dominique Chartrand
Music Larsen Lupin


Jean-Claude Coulbois

Jean-Claude Coulbois