L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Peter Behrens - A Pioneer in Architecture |

Peter Behrens — A Pioneer in Architecture |

Alexander Lorenz

Germany | 2015 | 33 min
German |
Subtitles: English
A versatile artist working at the beginning of the 20th century, Peter Behrens (18681940) had a successful career as a painter, architect and product designer, and influenced the development of corporate design. He was a pioneer in the development of New Objectivity and in the emergence of the Bauhaus movement. Young architects such as Walter Gropius, Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier worked at his Berlin office and were strongly influenced by his methodology and objectivity.
Director Alexander Lorenz
Script Angela Freyer, Alexander Lorenz
Production Angela Freyer, Alexander Lorenz
Participation Philipp Gutbrod, Martina Fischer, Carsten Krohn, Till Behrens, Thorsten Scheer
Editing Monika Pirch
Artist Peter Behrens, Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Philipp Gutbrod, Carsten Krohn
Sound Angela Freyer
Cinematography Alexander Lorenz


Alexander Lorenz

Alexander Lorenz