L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Plus haut que les flammes

Plus haut que les flammes

Monique Leblanc

Canada | 2019 | 1 h 44 min
In this astonishing work by Monique Leblanc, Louise Dupré’s acclaimed poetry collection of the same name is adapted for film. Brought to life by actor Violette Chauveau, this colourful, intense and lyrical language is truly a poetry of memory, imbued with images of survival and childhood. A poignant dialogue between image and words and a story that goes straight to the heart.
Director Monique Leblanc
Script Monique Leblanc
Editing Geoffrey Boulangé
Sound Mélanie Gauthier
Cinematography Monique Leblanc


Monique Leblanc

Monique Leblanc

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