L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Walls of Limerick

Walls of Limerick

Arturo Bandinelli

Ireland | 2018 | 7 min
This film is a window into the inner world of dancers who use movement to escape their bleak and oppressive reality as Irish citizens, stuck between Northern Ireland and the South. Filmed in black and white, this film explores movement and powerfully conveys these artists’ fears and loneliness.
Dance Film Festival, Prague, Czech Republic (2019)
Seyr Festival, Tehran, Iran (2019)
Film Rendezvous, Lisbon, Portugal (2019)
St Patrick’s Film Festival, London, UK (2019)
Richmond Dance Festival, Richmond, USA (2019)

Last update in March 2020
Director Arturo Bandinelli
Music Andrea Bocodorro


Arturo Bandinelli

Arturo Bandinelli

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