L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Frustration - When does a banknote start to burn?

Frustration — When does a banknote start to burn?

Robin Lachenal

France | 2019 | 1 min
Burn-out at the office… 4440 photocopies were necessary to make this stop-motion clip for the French post-punk band Frustration.
Director Robin Lachenal
Production Yohann Ceysson, Justine Dall, Jean-Baptiste Guillot, Patrick Villeneuve
Editing Robin Lachenal
Cast Frustration
Cinematographer Balthazar Lab
Animation Baptiste Perrin
Costumes Lisa Michalik, Marine Peyraud
Decoration Marine Peyraud
Manager Florian Lefebvre


Robin Lachenal

Robin Lachenal