This is the story of Maya Picasso, the daughter of the famous Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, as told by her own daughter, Diana Widmaier-Ruiz-Picasso. This short documentary explores the bond between Pablo and Maya: how could a child look at the daily life of the public figure that was her father? And, above all, how did the presence of Maya nurture and amplify her father’s fascination with childhood? Rediscover Picasso’s work through the prism of this filial relationship.
Other festival:
Arte Cinema de Naples, Italy (2022)
Also presented:
Exhibition “Maya Ruiz-Picasso, fille de Pablo” (2022)
Arte Cinema de Naples, Italy (2022)
Also presented:
Exhibition “Maya Ruiz-Picasso, fille de Pablo” (2022)
Director | François Lévy-Kuentz |
Assistant director | Alice Cagnat |
Author | François Lévy-Kuentz, Diana Widmaier-Ruiz-Picasso |
Technician | Pomzed |
Production | Anne Caminade |
Line Producer | DWP Editions |
Artistic Direction | Anne Caminade |
documentalist | Olivia Speer, Claire Rougé, Elisa Baylac |
Editing | Clara Paumé |
Colorization | Olivier Cohen |
Sound mixing | Matthieu Cochin |
Cinematography | Olivier Raffet |
Music | Serge Kochyne |
• Théâtre Outremont
Saturday, march 18, 2023, 03:00 p.m. — 04:45 p.m.
• Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec
Saturday, march 25, 2023, 01:15 p.m. — 03:15 p.m.
François Lévy-Kuentz
For more than 25 years, François Lévy-Kuentz has devoted most of his work as a documentary filmmaker to films on art, with monographs on artists such as Pascin, Marc Chagall, Man Ray, Yves Klein, Salvador Dali, Piet Mondrian, and Alexander Calder, as well as films on pictorial movements: Le Scandale Impressionniste, Quand l’art prend le pouvoir, and La face cachée de l’art américain. These documentaries, which have won awards at numerous international festivals, have been the subject of several retrospectives in the Brussels, Mexico City, Sao Paulo and Jerusalem film archives. François Lévy-Kuentz was made a Chevalier de Arts et des Lettres in 2014.
Jean-Paul Belmondo is for him an enigma that has fascinated him for so many years and that he had to uncover. François Lévy-Kuentz has uncovered Belmondo and his “ethics of distraction”, an original and iconoclastic look at one of the sacred monsters of cinema.
Biographical notes provided by the film production team
Jean-Paul Belmondo is for him an enigma that has fascinated him for so many years and that he had to uncover. François Lévy-Kuentz has uncovered Belmondo and his “ethics of distraction”, an original and iconoclastic look at one of the sacred monsters of cinema.
Biographical notes provided by the film production team
Belmondo l’incorrigible (2022)
Un Eté à la Garoupe (2020)
Cocteau/Al Brown, Le Poète Et Le Boxeur (2018)
La Face Cachée De L’Art Américain (2017)
Un Eté à la Garoupe (2020)
Cocteau/Al Brown, Le Poète Et Le Boxeur (2018)
La Face Cachée De L’Art Américain (2017)