L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Never Stop - Une musique qui résiste

Never Stop — Une musique qui résiste

Jacqueline Caux

France | 2016 | 1 h 19 min
English |
Subtitles: French
This documentary by Jacqueline Caux tells a paradoxical story: how the force of a creative movement — Detroit techno — allowed a counter-culture to resonate throughout the world and contribute to the city’s rebirth. Such techno pioneers as Juan Atkins, Carl Craig, Jeff Mills and Derrick May talk about their approach and the transformations within the music industry. Given the many obstacles in their lives, the only way out for these musicians from all areas of the city was to develop a unique form of creativity, and a freedom to explore new avenues in tune with the new urban realities.
Director Jacqueline Caux
Production La Huit Production, Stéphane Jourdain
Editing Dora Soltani, Stéphane Jourdain
Sound Nicolas Waschkowski
Cinematography Emmanuel Trousse, Frédéric Vitadier
Distribution La Huit Distribution


• Université Concordia - J.A. de Sève, LB-125, Pavillon J. W. McConnell
Saturday, march 25, 2017, 08:45 p.m. — 10:45 p.m.


Jacqueline Caux

Jacqueline Caux

In the same session


Université Concordia - J.A. de Sève, LB-125, Pavillon J. W. McConnell

Saturday, march 25, 2017, 08:45 p.m.