L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Ourse bleue
Author, painter, poet, sculptor, and storyteller, the Cri artist Virginia Pésémapéo Bordeleau, embodies the very essence of reconciliation, both with ourselves and with a métissage that is inherently synonymous with territory. Ourse bleue combines the love of art and the desire to discover a great artist, in all her simplicity.

In the presence of the director Claude Hamel
-March 20, 2024 at the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec in Québec City
-March 23, 2024 at the McCord Stewart Museum in Montréal

Word of direction

Dumbfounded, mesmerized by the talents of author, painter, poetess, sculptor, and storyteller Virginia Pesemapeo Bordeleau, a Québécois artist, Métis, Cree through her mother, I dedicate a documentary to her. A feature-length documentary to counter the lack of attention given to female artists, to women in general when they have passed the age of prime youth. When they are no longer fertile, yet so fertile with so much beauty and strength, in the so-called prime of life.

Recognized by the artistic community, recipient of the National Assembly Medal, unknown to the general public, this film aims to better acquaint viewers with this great artist. By juxtaposing her writings with her paintings and sculptures.

Ourse bleue is a film both harsh and gentle, harsh in the cruelty of the recounted facts, gentle in the luminous beauty of her works. My first documentary, Territory Ishkueu Territory Woman, created without initially seeking to make a documentary, took me by surprise, but already hinted at this second one. Because in this first documentary, where I gave voice to eight female speakers, all Indigenous, Virginia, with the story of her conception alongside a bear whose spirit would remain present throughout her life, told us the genesis of the creation of her totem, Ourse bleue.

Ourse bleue, part-virgin, part-sensual bear, symbolizes the two cultures that Virginia carries and explores. Through writing, expressing the beauty and violence of the world. And through the dazzling beauty of her paintings transcending pain and suffering paradoxically bursting with joy of life.

Navigating the duality that resides within all of us, Virginia, the girl from the bridge, transports us on multiple round trips from one shore to the other. We walk beside her, our heads enveloped in light, our heavy hearts lightening with each step towards acceptance of what is, of what has shaped us, of what will be.

Virginia is Quebec, the very essence of this reconciliation, with ourselves, with this mixed heritage which in itself is synonymous with territory. It is a film that deals with the beauty of an assumed artistic life. Of the infinite beauty of Abitibi, her homeland, my homeland. A documentary that flies to you from the palms of my hands, opening up to an offering celebrating the importance of sisterhood, of solidarity. Ourse bleue is a mature woman underlining the extraordinary talent of a mature woman, fueled by love for art and the sensual pleasure of introducing you to her in all her immense simplicity.

- Claude Hamel
Other festival:
Abitibi-Témiscamingue International Film Festival, Canada (Quebec)
Director Claude Hamel
Editing Claude Hamel
Cast Virginia Pesemapeo Bordeleau

In Partnership with


• Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec - Auditorium Sandra et Alain Bouchard du Pavillon Pierre Lassonde
Wednesday, march 20, 2024, 07:00 p.m. — 09:00 p.m.
• Musée McCord Stewart
Saturday, march 23, 2024, 02:30 p.m. — 04:15 p.m.


Claude Hamel

Claude Hamel

Available in French only

Conteuse, auteure, musicienne, Claude a produit et réalisé trois courts métrages et un documentaire. Elle a créé et produit huit contes illustrés relatant l’histoire de l’Estrie, deux CD et a participé à maintes éditions de festival de contes Québécois et internationaux.Initiée à l’art du conte urbain en 1981 au sein d’un collectif de 9 femmes musiciennes, Wondeur Brass, Claude Hamel, conteuse, chanteuse et trompettiste, ajouta les contes traditionnels à sa pratique lors de son implication au coeur des Productions Coeur​.com, un regroupement d’artistes et de thérapeutes dirigé par l’auteur et psychanalyste jungien Guy Corneau. Elle y a codirigé des ateliers, de 1998 à 2008, en France, en Belgique, en Égypte et au Québec. Claude écrit, explore et présente depuis lors des contes traditionnels et historiques ainsi que des récits de vie issus de son expérience personnelle qui l’a menée de plateaux de tournage en lieux mythiques aux quatre coins du monde. Preneuse de son en cinéma documentaire de 1986 à 2012, Claude a réalisé trois courts métrages et en 2018 un long métrage documentaire. Elle a signé huit contes à colorier illustrés de sa main en 2016 et 2017.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team
Territoire Ishkueu Territoire Femme (2018)

In the same sessions

Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec - Auditorium Sandra et Alain Bouchard du Pavillon Pierre Lassonde

Wednesday, march 20, 2024, 07:00 p.m.

Musée McCord Stewart

Saturday, march 23, 2024, 02:30 p.m.

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