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Richard Henriquez: Building Stories

Richard Henriquez: Building Stories

Mike Bernard, Gavin Froome

Canada | 2022 | 30 min
Jouer Trailer
Richard George Henriquez is a leading figure in the Canadian architectural community, known for his unique designs that grace the city of Vancouver. Now a principal in Henriquez Partners with his son Gregory, Henriquez continues to create art and sculpture in parallel with his architectural practice. Directed by Michael Bernard and Gavin Froome, this documentary explores his influences and the importance he places on memory and history in his approach to work.
Also presented:
41st International Festival of Films on Art, Canada (2023)
Architecture & Design Film Festival, United States (2022)
Architecture & Design Film Festival, Canada (2022)
Director Mike Bernard, Gavin Froome
Director of Photography Thomas Buchan
Editing Aram Coen


Mike Bernard

Mike Bernard

Filmmaker and Art Director Mike Bernard is based in Vancouver, BC. with a background in all forms of communication and design. Mike has written and directed documentaries such as Coast Modern’, and Crossing Over’ as well as music videos, shorts, and commercials.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team
Form and Place (2021)
Crossing Over: The Art of Jeremy Down (2012)
Coast Modern (2012)
Vancouver School (2009)
Gavin Froome

Gavin Froome

Gavin Froome works as a Creative Director with a passion for filmmaking and conceptual thinking, Gavin has directed numerous integrated campaigns for leading brands in North America along with a string of music production to his credits.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team
Coast Modern (2012)

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