L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
The Enigma of S.A.P.

The Enigma of S.A.P.

Andrew James Paterson

Canada | 2008 | 9 min
The Enigma of S.A.P. is an almost ten-minute non-camera videotape set in a visual arts milieu. S.A.P. is a mysterious new art gallery, and two gentlemen (G & H) are checking it out. G & H, as well as their friends F & J, and also a very genial maitre’d, are heard but not seen. What are seen are the paintings” on display (the artist’s own Photoshop graphics and/​or drawings).
Director Andrew James Paterson
Production Andrew James Paterson
Sound Kevin Quain
Distribution VTape
Music Andrew James Paterson


• Cinémathèque québécoise - Salle principale
Saturday, march 25, 2017, 03:15 p.m. — 05:15 p.m.


Andrew James Paterson

Andrew James Paterson

In the same session