Considéré comme l’un·e des plus grand·e·s portraitistes de son époque, John Singer Sargent marquait les esprits avec ses œuvres, mêlant subtilement l’art du portrait à la mode de son temps. Ce film révèle comment Sargent capturait l’élégance, la personnalité et les codes vestimentaires de ses modèles pour en faire des témoignages uniques de leur époque. Tourné au Museum of Fine Arts de Boston et à la Tate Britain de Londres, ce film plonge le·la spectateur·rice au cœur de l’atelier de Sargent. On y découvre une sélection de peintures, accompagnées d’objets d’époque – vêtements et accessoires portés par ses modèles. Ces éléments révèlent comment l’artiste capturait les identités de genre et les personnalités distinctes de ses sujets dans une époque de réinvention culturelle. Un hommage visuel qui nous invite à redécouvrir l’œuvre d’un maître à travers une perspective unique, mêlant art et mode.
Par David Bickerstaff, réalisateur de : Van Gogh : Poets & Lovers (2024), Vermeer : The Greatest Exhibition (2023), Pissarro : Father of Impressionism (2022).
Par David Bickerstaff, réalisateur de : Van Gogh : Poets & Lovers (2024), Vermeer : The Greatest Exhibition (2023), Pissarro : Father of Impressionism (2022).
Aussi présenté :
Vancouver International Film Festival, Canada (2024)
Tate Britain Film, Royaume-Uni (2024)
Vancouver International Film Festival, Canada (2024)
Tate Britain Film, Royaume-Uni (2024)
Réalisation | David Bickerstaff |
Coauteur | Phil Grabsky |
Montage | David Bickerstaff |
Composition | Asa Bennett |
• Cinéma du Musée - Auditorium Maxwell-Cummings
Lundi 17 mars 2025, 17:15 — 18:45

David Bickerstaff
Disponible en anglais seulement
David Bickerstaff is an artist and award-winning filmmaker who founded Atomictv in 1997 as an umbrella organisation for developing digital art projects and collaborations. His documentary work and video installations such as The Lukhang, Hygieia, Heavy Water : a film for Chernobyl and Making War Horse have been broadcast in Britain and shown in many international festivals and exhibitions, which include the Wellcome Collection, Vitra Museum, Onedotzero, Festival International du Film sur L’Art Montreal, and the documentary fortnight at the Museum of Modern Art New York. In recent years, he has been directing and filming a series of short artist documentaries for Art360 Foundation which offers funding for artists to build an archive of their work. David has also been collaborating with producer Phil Grabsky at the innovative EXHIBITION ON SCREEN, directing, filming and co-writing ten feature-length art documentaries. This popular series is distributed to 63 countries and shown in over 1500 cinemas worldwide. Each film looks at an iconic artist and a major exhibition of their work in world renown art galleries. Titles include Sunflowers, Lucian Freud : A Self Portrait, Van Gogh & Japan, Degas : A Passion for Perfection, Michelangelo : Love and Death, Canaletto & The Art of Venice, along with other films about artists such as Claude Monet, Hieronymus Bosch and Francisco Goya.
David is also the Creative Director at NewAngle Productions, a design practice that produces video installations and interactives for visitor attractions. Recent clients including the Royal Collection Trust, British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, Historic Royal Palaces, Museum of London, the Royal Observatory, and the National maritime Museum. He has won various awards for his projects and is a member of British Academy of Film and Television Arts.
Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe de film
David Bickerstaff is an artist and award-winning filmmaker who founded Atomictv in 1997 as an umbrella organisation for developing digital art projects and collaborations. His documentary work and video installations such as The Lukhang, Hygieia, Heavy Water : a film for Chernobyl and Making War Horse have been broadcast in Britain and shown in many international festivals and exhibitions, which include the Wellcome Collection, Vitra Museum, Onedotzero, Festival International du Film sur L’Art Montreal, and the documentary fortnight at the Museum of Modern Art New York. In recent years, he has been directing and filming a series of short artist documentaries for Art360 Foundation which offers funding for artists to build an archive of their work. David has also been collaborating with producer Phil Grabsky at the innovative EXHIBITION ON SCREEN, directing, filming and co-writing ten feature-length art documentaries. This popular series is distributed to 63 countries and shown in over 1500 cinemas worldwide. Each film looks at an iconic artist and a major exhibition of their work in world renown art galleries. Titles include Sunflowers, Lucian Freud : A Self Portrait, Van Gogh & Japan, Degas : A Passion for Perfection, Michelangelo : Love and Death, Canaletto & The Art of Venice, along with other films about artists such as Claude Monet, Hieronymus Bosch and Francisco Goya.
David is also the Creative Director at NewAngle Productions, a design practice that produces video installations and interactives for visitor attractions. Recent clients including the Royal Collection Trust, British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, Historic Royal Palaces, Museum of London, the Royal Observatory, and the National maritime Museum. He has won various awards for his projects and is a member of British Academy of Film and Television Arts.
Notes biographiques fournies par l’équipe de film
Quelques films :
Van Gogh : Poets & Lovers, Exhibition on Screen (2024)
Tokyo Stories, Exhibition on Screen (2023)
Vermeer : The Greatest Exhibition, Exhibition on Screen (2023)
Pissarro : Father of Impressionism (2022)
The Danish Collector : Delacroix to Gauguin, Exhibition on Screen (2021)
Van Gogh : Poets & Lovers, Exhibition on Screen (2024)
Tokyo Stories, Exhibition on Screen (2023)
Vermeer : The Greatest Exhibition, Exhibition on Screen (2023)
Pissarro : Father of Impressionism (2022)
The Danish Collector : Delacroix to Gauguin, Exhibition on Screen (2021)