L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
8 Rooms
This animated short film explores the mysterious nature of dreams, as a woman and her sidekick cat find themselves moving from one strange room to another in pursuit of an elusive floating pushpin. On this journey between dreams and reality, the characters meet with the unexpected, the absurd, and the oddly familiar, in imaginative mixed-media spaces created by eight contributing artists.
Director Anita Lebeau
Camera Mike Maryniuk
Colorization Tony Wytinck
Artist Shirley Brown, Barb Flemington, Seema Goel, Heather Komus, Suzie Smith, Reva Stone, Diana Thorneycroft
Sound Christine Fellows
Sound mixing Bruce Little
Animation Anita Lebeau


• Théâtre Outremont
Wednesday, march 22, 2023, 05:30 p.m. — 07:30 p.m.


Anita Lebeau

Anita Lebeau

Anita Lebeau has created several acclaimed short films with the National Film Board of Canada – Louise, Big Drive and A Change of Scenery. Notable awards include the Hiroshima Prize and the Annecy Junior Jury Award for Louise, and the Chuck Jones Award (Newport Beach Film Festival) for Big Drive. Anita has also produced, written and directed a number of documentary films, and taught digital animation at the University of Manitoba School of Art. In 2019 she debuted her independent animated film, FACE|TIME, which won the jury prize for Best Short Film at the Gimli International Film Festival. Anita received funding from The Canada Council for the Arts and Manitoba Arts Council, to create her latest short film, 8 Rooms. She is currently an animator on the series La Brigade (Media Rendezvous/​Loogaroo) and is working for Cordell Barker (The Cat Came Back) on an animated short.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team
Other films:
A Change of Scenery (2019)
FACE|TIME (2019)
Beyond Art City (2015)
The Starry Night Exchange Series (20132014)
Art City (2012)

In the same session

Théâtre Outremont

Wednesday, march 22, 2023, 05:30 p.m.

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