L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Goodbye, My Wonderful World

Goodbye, My Wonderful World

Joo Joostberens

Poland | 2022 | 54 min
Polish |
Subtitles: English
Jouer Trailer
Why are we running away from death? Can you prepare for the death of a loved one? Who can act as a mourning companion”? This fascinating documentary delves into the significance of death and grief in society. Featuring traditional mourning songs recorded in contemporary arrangements, the film addresses this taboo subject in an accessible and respectful way.
Also presented:
41st International Festival of Films on Art, Canada (2023)
Director Joo Joostberens
Director of Photography Joo Joostberens
Scenarisation Joo Joostberens
Production Aia Asé
Artistic Supervision Marek Brodzki
Make Up Artist Anna Stankowska
Editing Joo Joostberens
Sound Recording Michal Joostberens
Sound mixing Bart Putkiewicz
Distribution JMT Films : Michael Treves
Music Radek Lukasiewicz, Jarek Wazny, Janusz Zdunek

Present in these collections



Joo Joostberens

Joo Joostberens

Joo Joostberens is a film director, producer, cinematographer, motion graphic editor and scriptwriter.
He is a postgraduate student at the Warsaw Film School, MA Directing Programme.
He started out as a creator of advertising films and reports for international TV stations. He co-created a documentary about the Gda?sk Shipyard Gda?sk Shipyard”. He is also Director of Photography of Polish-French-American production I am Max” (2022), a documentary about the first international movie star — Max Linder.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team

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