L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
La pomme

La pomme

Nequado Katherine

Canada | 2017 | 2 min
French |
Subtitles: French
In the Atikamekw language, wamin means apple,” but it is also an insult directed at those who leave their community to make their way in the city. In a short performance, this film addresses the issue of identity through the story of a young Atikamekw woman who wants to break away from the land of her birth in order to take charge of her life. A strong film imbued with the desire for freedom.
Also presented:
37th International Festival of Films on Art, Canada (2019)
Director Katherine Nequado
Editing Patricia Chica
Voice Katherine Nequado
Concept Patricia Chica, Jemmy Echaquan, Katherine Nequado
Sound Patricia Chica
Cinematographer Patricia Chica


Nequado Katherine

Nequado Katherine

Katherine Nequado is an Atikamekw woman from Manawan, born in St-Charles-Borromée on August 1st, 1999. She made her first short at Wapikoni’s 2017 Montreal workshop. Wamin (The Apple) which went on to travel the world. Her second film Nin Tapwe (Genuine) made in 2018 hopes to encourage women to love and respect themselves, and her first short reminds us that the most important thing in life is to love oneself. She hopes to study cinema.
First major film.

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