L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Rodas is an audiovisual project that reflects on the meaning of cohabitation today: a poetics of the domestic formed with humour, magic, and irony, articulating different moments of everyday life in a contemporary urban context. Manu Toros colourful and playful direction echoes the film’s focus on inhabiting a space. Pretty, charming, and funny.
Director Manu Toro
Assistant director Beatriz Arredondo
Director of Photography Manu Toro
Executive Production Abel Serrano
Artistic Direction Sara Ojanguren
Cast Guillermo Sanz, Alexia Sayago, Selene Ramiro, Gabriela Galán, Edo Premoli
Lighting Mikel Lareki

In Partnership with


• Centre Canadien d’Architecture
Sunday, march 19, 2023, 04:30 p.m. — 06:30 p.m.


Manu Toro

Manu Toro

Manu Toro, México 1983. MANUTORO.WORK, an I+D creative lab based in Madrid that develops visual possibilities for innovation
and experimental media to push innovative strategies to their most potent limits. His work explores the uses of story-making, transmedia, and the creation of new bodies of literacy and visual grammar through mixed formats. He works between Spain, Switzerland, United Kindom, and Mexico.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team

In the same session

Centre Canadien d’Architecture

Sunday, march 19, 2023, 04:30 p.m.

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