L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Rosa Bonheur, dame nature

Rosa Bonheur, dame nature

Gregory Monro

France | 2021 | 1 h 3 min
Rosa Bonheur, the animal painter adulated in France in the XIXth century, often forgotten in her country, is nevertheless a major figure of women’s emancipation and of the animal cause.

Rosa Bonheur was a major figure of female emancipation: she was the first woman artist to receive the Legion of Honour, from the hands of another woman, the Empress Eugenie, who said on this occasion: Genius has no sex”. She was also the first woman officially authorized to wear pants; the first to buy property with the fruit of her labor, thanks to the sale of a single painting; she settled in this property with several friends: living between women, sharing their fortunes between them, becoming heirs of each other, they founded a sisterhood that would leave a lasting impression on the French society of the time.
Director Gregory Monro
Author Gregory Monro
Director of Photography Nicolas Le Gal
Production Olivier De Bannes
Editing William Roy
Music Vincent Théard

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Gregory Monro

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