2025: On the Road to the Future | New collection on ARTS.FILM
2025, On the Road to the Future
2025 is just around the corner, and because art is often a step ahead, we turned to they when it came to imagining the New Year.
Their schedule was full. Art is of the busy type. However, fortunately, of course, they is always accessible with ARTS.FILM. Our question was simple: what kind of world can we hope for tomorrow? Here’s their four-point vision:
1 — “Feminist”. Their answer was a resounding one. “I invite you to rediscover great, underrated artists in The Women of the Bauhaus, and then continue the fight with Street Héroïnes.
2 — “Ecological”, to live more in harmony with our environment “in the manner, finally, of the film Akeji, the breath of the Mountain”.
3 — “Audacious”. “Have you seen Art Robots? It’s a film that stimulates me, questions me, questions the way I define myself. I love it.”
4 — “Inclusive”. “Queer, anti-racist, anti-validist, always open and curious about others. Trois mille, What It Takes to Make a Home, Mother’s, Dernières nouvelles du Cosmos and Naissance d’un héros noir au cinéma show the way”.
The interview was drawing to a close.
As a good student, all that was left for us to do was to put these suggestions together in a collection and offer them to you for viewing. We wish you a happy new year!
2025, on The Road to The Future
Art Robots — Mathieu Fortin
Akeji, The Breath of the Mountain — Mélanie Schaan & Corentin Leconte
Street Heroines — Alexandra Henry
Trois mille — Asinnajaq
What it Takes to Make a Home — Daniel Schwartz
Naissance d’un héros noir au cinéma — Martine Delumeau & Catherine Bernstein
Dernières nouvelles du cosmos — Julie Bertuccelli
Mother’s — Hippolyte Leibovici
The Women of the Bauhaus — Susanne Radelhof
Sept moments de joie — Lilli Marcotte