Colors, Colors and More Colors | New collection on ARTS.FILM
We’re not about to reopen the Poussinist-Rubenist color quarrel. Firstly, because the debate is a little old-fashioned. Secondly, because our ambition is actually much simpler: to celebrate color, nothing more, nothing less.
And for that, what better way than to call on Mark Rothko, a member of Colorfield painting, Paul Cézanne and his very broad palette, or the Impressionist Mary Cassatt? Matisse too? Goya too? All right, we’ll invite them all: this week, you’re sure to be in for a treat!
Colors, Colors and More Colors
Mark Rothko, la peinture vous regarde — Pascale Bouhénic
Les Petits Secrets des grands tableaux : La vie mélangée par Kandinsky (1907) - Clement Cogitore
Mary Cassatt : Painting the Modern Woman — Ali Ray
Cézanne : Portraits of a Life — Phil Grabsky
D’une peinture à l’autre — Georges Schwizgebel
Matisse from MoMA and the Tate Modern — Phil Grabsky
Frida Kahlo — Ali Ray
Free Colors — Alberto Arvello
Goya : a vision of Flesh and Blood — David Bickerstaff
I, Monet — Phil Grabsky