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The Weight of Memory | New collection on ARTS.FILM


The Weight of Memory | New collection on ARTS.FILM

This week, ARTS.FILM delves into memory — collective, repressed, and personal. With Der Untermensch, reflect on history 80 years after Auschwitz’s liberation. Uncover repressed stories in Far West, l’histoire oubliée or witness memories immortalized through cinema, like Architect of Brutal Poetry. Personal and collective memories intersect in the moving Empire of My Melodious Mind and Carving in Memory. Remembering is part of moving forward.

The Weight of Memory 

Der Untermensch – Kays Mejri

Far West, l’histoire oubliée – Mathilde Damoisel 

Architect of Brutal Poetry – Ladislav Kaboš

Empire of My Melodious Mind – Jeannette Louie 

Immaculate Memories: The Uncluttered Worlds of Christopher Pratt – Kenneth J. Harvey 

Jeu de mémoire – Louis-Roland Leduc

Carving in Memory – Rubén Seca