Free and Unruly | New collection on ARTS.FILM
Freedom, probably the foremost quality every good artist must have in order to cultivate a difference, an essential prerequisite for creation and excellence. This is the trait we highlight here, with a filmmaker from the new wave (CHABROL, L’ANTICONFORMISTE), a legendary actress (Kim Novak, l’âme rebelle d’Hollywood), an indomitable painter (Tintoretto — The Man Who Killed Painting), or even female photographers in Iran (Focus Iran — L’audace au premier plan). Each in their own way, they break free from constraints and refuse to submit to authority or dogma, in order to assert a rich and unique perspective.
Free and Unruly
Kim Novak, l’âme rebelle d’Hollywood – Jessica Menendez
Jerry Lewis, clown rebelle – Gregory Monro
Jamie Lee Curtis, un cri de liberté à Hollywood – Valérie Jourdan
Tintoretto — The Man Who Killed Painting – Erminio Perocco
Focus Iran — L’audace au premier plan – Valérie Urréa
Naissance d’un héros noir au cinéma – Nicolas Maupied
Ken Loach ou l’esthétique de la rébellion – Pierre Chassagnieux