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Marie-Julie Dallaire, Spokesperson for Le FIFA Benefit Auction

Marie-Julie Dallaire, Spokesperson for Le FIFA Benefit Auction

Le FIFA is pleased to announce that filmmaker Marie-Julie Dallaire will be the spokesperson for its third TRAIT D’UNION online benefit auction, which will take place from November 24 to December 11, 2022, in partnership with the renowned Canadian auction house BYDealers.

Le FIFA is part of my DNA. I was introduced to it by my father Michel Dallaire when he was on the board of directors (1990 — 2015). I have seen this festival blossom along with the film about art” genre, its programming enriched, its audience diversified. In March 2021, I had the great pleasure of presenting the world premiere of my latest film Comme une vague. This year, Le FIFA is honoring me by inviting me to be its spokesperson to promote its benefit auction. I embrace this mission with all the passion I have for cinema, art… and the International Festival of Films on Art.” — Marie-Julie Dallaire, filmmaker

Paintings, photographs, collages, sculptures, engravings, serigraphs… Digital art, textile art, porcelain, blown glass… Renowned artists, up-and-coming artists, surprise artists, more than 80 works for auction! For more information, join our Facebook event.