L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
FIFA Expérimental - Focus Michael Snow

FIFA Expérimental — Focus Michael Snow

On January 5, Michael Snow discreetly left us. And he left us, each of us, a magisterial body of work to which we can turn to plumb its riches, cherish its subtleties, to re-view it, to get in touch with the artist. Three works have been selected for Focus Michael Snow. Each epitomizes the artist’s attentiveness and profound attachment to word, image and sound, while underscoring his wit and wisdom in bringing them together and into dialogue. Each is also inhabited by Snow’s passion for light and space, duration and movement, and the experiential present of every work of art. This program, assembled with respect, hails the contributions of a truly exceptional Canadian artist whose practice spanned more than seventy years.
The screening will be in the presence of Michael Snow’s life partner, art historian and experimental film and video specialist Peggy Gale.

Nicole Gingras
Programmer, FIFA Experimental section

WVLNTWAVELENGTH For Those Who Don’t Have the Time: Originally 45 minutes, now 15! – Michael Snow. Canada. 2003. 15 min. English.
So Is This – Michael Snow. Canada. 1982. 43 min. Without sound. English.
See You Later / Aurevoir – Michael Snow. Canada. 1990. 17 min 25 s. English.
Director Michael Snow


• Université Concordia - J.A. de Sève, LB-125, Pavillon J. W. McConnell
Saturday, march 25, 2023, 05:00 p.m. — 07:15 p.m.

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