L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Hollywood et les indiens

Hollywood et les indiens

Neil Diamond, Catherine Bainbridge, Jeremiah Hayes

Canada | 2010 | 1 h 28 min
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In this feature-length documentary, Cree filmmaker Neil Diamond takes an entertaining and insightful look at the portrayal of North American Indigenous people throughout a century of cinema. Featuring hundreds of clips from old classics as well as recent releases, the film traces the evolution of the Hollywood Indian.” Diamond guides the audience on a journey across America to some of cinema’s most iconic landscapes and conducts candid interviews with celebrities like Clint Eastwood, Robbie Robertson and Jim Jarmusch. The film is a loving look at cinema through the eyes of the people who appeared in its very first flickering images and have survived to tell their stories in their own way.
Director Neil Diamond
Codirection Jeremiah Hayes, Catherine Bainbridge


Neil Diamond

Catherine Bainbridge

Jeremiah Hayes

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