L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
La panthère

La panthère

Serge Goldwicht, Bernhard Zils

Belgium | 2022 | 1 min
German |
Subtitles: French
Against a backdrop of poetry, the filmmaker Serge Goldwicht delivers a fusion of a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke with moving paint. Immerse yourself in the gaze of a panther locked in a cage, in the middle of a garden where children play, between words and images, one of which is never quite the illustration of the other. Captivating and lyrical.
Also presented:
41st International Festival of Films on Art, Canada (2023)
Director Serge Goldwicht, Bernhard Zils
Author Rainer Maria Rilke
Editing Marco Zagaglia
Voice Bernhard Zils


Serge Goldwicht

Serge Goldwicht

Serge Goldwicht was born in Nivelles (Belgium) in 1954. He lives and works in Brussels. His path is a path between art and philosophy, studies he did at the UBL (Free University of Brussels). Drawing and painting led him to video, in the form of alluvial spots that he films. The moving stain, its suggestive powers and the multiplicity of potentialities are at the origin of this peregrination which leads him to stage graphic disasters”, as Deleuze calls them.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team
Other films:
Blotch Murder ( 2016)
Mind Blotch ( 2016)
Hitch&Blotch ( 2017)
Weed art process ( 2020)
sex​-blotch​.com (34 vidéos) (20182020)
Bernhard Zils

Bernhard Zils

Available in French only

Diplômé de la « Kleine Akadémie » école de théâtre du courant Jaques Lecocq (de 1989 – 1993) Bernhard Zil, de 1996 à 2019 devient membre actif de la troupe de théâtre itinérante « Les Six Faux Nez ». Depuis 1998, il est acteur voix (post-synchronisation et doublage) dans des films de fictions, documentaires, courts-métrages, publicitaires et éducatifs. Avant tout comédien et acteur voix. « La Panthère » est mon premier film en tant que co-réalisateur.

Biographical notes provided by the film production team

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