L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A
Louise Bourgeois, la sculpture et la colère
This film chronicles the life of an artist who spanned an entire century, exploring seventy years of her career through the words and voice of Louise Bourgeois—French-born sculptor, draughtswoman, printmaker, and visual artist, later naturalized American. A life of creation, an intimate confrontation with materials to exorcise the past and reshape her narrative. Selections from her journals, letters, and drawings; evolving forms, emerging sculptures, and interwoven embroidered works : all these elements weave together the portrait of an artist whose life and work are inextricably linked. It is also an autopsy of the psyche of a divided and tormented woman who fought tirelessly against herself and a male-dominated, exclusionary art world in order to assert a new artistic vision. An art that reflects our innermost questions, where fragility, fear, and emotion transform into forces of expression.
Director Marie-Eve De Grave
Editing Simon Arazi
Calibrating Fred Ricci
Narration Smadi Wolfman
Sound Baptiste Guichot
Music Irina Prieto Botella
Cinematography David Quesemand, Nina Bernfeld

In Partnership with

Present in these collections


• Cinéma du Musée - Auditorium Maxwell-Cummings
Friday, march 14, 2025, 03:00 p.m. — 04:26 p.m.
• Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec (à Québec)
Thursday, march 20, 2025, 10:30 a.m. — 11:56 a.m.


Marie-Eve De Grave

Marie-Eve De Grave

Available in French only

Après des études d’architecture et de scénographie, Marie-Ève De Grave sort diplômée de l’INSAS, section «Image», en 1993. Installée en France depuis 1994, elle œuvre comme scénariste et réalise plusieurs courts-métrages. « Belle de nuit », en 2016, est son premier documentaire. Elle réalise ensuite « Dora Maar, entre ombre et lumière », « Code Haneke » et « Je suis parti dans les bois »

Biographical notes provided by the film production team
Selected films:
I went to the woods (2023)
Life in the Woods (2022)
Code Haneke (2021)
Dora Maar, between shadow and light (2019)
Beauty of Night (2016)

In the same sessions

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