L E   F I F A
L E   F I F A


Kijâtai-Alexandra Veillette-Cheezo

Canada | 2020 | 2 min
Other |
Subtitles: French
Odehimin is the ability to reconnect with yourself and relearn how to love yourself. Artist and activist Kijâtai was born in Val-d’Or to a nonnative mother and a native father from the Anishnabe nation. Through their short films, they approach indigenous realities by using images and sounds in a poetic way.
Also presented:
41st International Festival of Films on Art, Canada (2023)
First Nations Film and Video Festival, United States (2022)
BIDEODROMO International Experimental Film and Video Festival, Spain (2021)
Hot Docs, Canada (2021)
Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma, Canada (2021)
Director Kijâtai-Alexandra Veillette-Cheezo
Director of Photography Veillette-Cheezo Kijâtai-Alexandra


Kijâtai-Alexandra Veillette-Cheezo

Kijâtai-Alexandra Veillette-Cheezo

Odehimin Expérimental 00:02:45 2020
Kabak Documentaire 00:06:14 2019
Kijâtai Documentaire 00:04:30 2019

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