Influenced in his youth by the works of Richard Matheson and the classics of fantasy (those of H. P. Lovecraft, Mary Shelley and Bram Stoker), marked as much by the arrest of a serial killer in the 1950s as by the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, this cantor of popular literature sheds light on the genesis of some of his greatest bookstore bestsellers and their adaptation, for television or cinema, through interviews gathered by Julien Dupuy in an enlightening documentary portrait. Between two film extracts, Stephen King confides in it his childhood memories — the figure of the father, who abandoned him and his mother when he was 2 years old -, his impecunious youth in a small town in Maine, his work methods, but also his struggle against his inner demons (alcohol addiction in especially), his defiance of machines, whose revolt he staged in Maximum Overdrive, his only film as a director, or his philanthropic support for libraries to enable the greatest number of people to have access to books.